Rock-Ola World's Fair Jigsaw (1933)
Manufacturer: Rock-ola Manufacturing Corporation, of Chicago, Illinois, USA (1932-1938)
Type: Pure Mechanical (PM)
Theme: Centennial Celebration
Specialty: Flipperless
Notable Features: 1 cent or 5 cent play. 10 balls for 5 cents is one pricing example. Playfield animation (puzzle pieces align themselves when balls fall into holes). Game advertised as 38 inches long, 19 inches wide, and 42 inches high.
Design by: David Rockola
Notes: Commemorated the Chicago World's Fair of 1933.
The height of this game on its legs was advertised as a "new" 42 inches, which implies a change from any previous Rock-Ola pin game that had legs or came with an optional stand.
According to Dick Bueschel's book Pinball 1, the formal name of this game is the single word 'Jigsaw'. However, it was frequently advertised as 'World's Fair Jigsaw'. The manufacturer advertised it both ways, and also showed a hyphenated spelling of 'Jig-Saw' on the playfield. When variations exist, we often list a game name by how it appears on the playfield, to facilitate its recognition.
Source: IPDB
To see a video of this game in action go to: World's Fair Jigsaw Video